




  • 中心のバランスが意識しやすくなる。
  • 臓器と神経が刺激される。
  • 上半身と下半身のつながりを体感できる。
  • 筋肉が収縮し、リリースし、安定し、中和し、衰えたりと活性化される。
  • 身体全体を通じて伝達される動きと流れを生み出す。などの効果が見られます。


  • 腸腰筋を休める。


  • 骨盤を動かす。


  • 仙腸関節、骨盤のお尻の筋肉の可動域をあげる。



参考文献:『目醒める!大腰筋』著:Jo Ann Stauggard-Jonesの中で印象に残ったのは、腸腰筋を揺らしてみるというアプローチです。胎児の姿勢やうつ伏せになって、動いて、止まったり、赤ちゃんの骨盤の振動や揺さぶりを想像してみます。下肢から脊椎までの筋肉経路(筋膜、腱、神経分布)を思い浮かべ、真似してみます。子供の時、物事をどう観て、どう感じていたかを思い出し、判断せずに、まったく初めてかのように自分の身体の内側を観察してみたり、新しい可能性を受け入れます。時間はかかりますが、習慣にとらわれることなく、筋肉も思考も同じように、体の英知を使用することが可能というアプローチです。


“The psoas is considered a core muscle that acts as a keystone, central and superior to the flying buttresses of the femurs and thigh muscles. This major architectural concept is also apparent in the skeletal pelvis / leg relationships, and supports the human body much like an arch does in bulding structures.

The psoas travels vertically from the spine to the leg, and diagonally across the pelvis. As a skeletal muscle that passes across more than one joint, it becomes bi-articulate ( a muscle that works two joints). This is a most important concept, but it is interesting to note another role of the psoas : a shelf, supporting internal organs, along with the pelvis as a basin, and the pelvic floor. Thus, any force of teh psoas can stimulate and massage organs such as the intestines, kidneys, livers, spleen, pancreas, bladder, and or stomach. Even reproductive organs are affected. Some deep, central, internal organs are referred to as viscera, so communication from organs to the brain can be called visceral massaging. The psoas, because of its proximity to major organs, can play a role as a reactor to these stimuli, affecting what is commonly termed gut feelings.

It can also affect nerve innervation, especially the lumber nerve complex that passes through it. The aorta lies in a similar path to the psoas, so body circulation and rythms can be interwined with the psoas as well. Another remrakable fact is that psoas and the diaphragm, a major breathing muscle, come together at a junction point known as the solar plexus. No wonder the psoas is so special. The psoas can:

  • Balance the core.
  • Stimulate organs and nerves.
  • contract, release, stabilize, neutralize, or deteriorate like any other muscles.
  • connect the upper body to the lower body.
  • create movement and flow to be transmitted throughout the body.
  • affects the whole person.”

Reference : “The vital psoas muscle- Connecting Pysical, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-being.” by Jo Ann Stauggard- Jones